"A Notebook system based on Emacs borrowing from existing config files. This system works from a single org file as an attempt to be as easy as possible for non-emacs users. It handles analyses in any language supported by org and through any server with a ssh interface. Since, its contents (an org file) are automatically rendered in Github or similar, it is trivial to share analyses results with reviewers and auditors, thus providing a way for transparent review/auditing of statistical analyses. This configuration provides a more complete set of functionality than jupyter, with less hassle."
Found on Sacha Chua's blog https://sachachua.com/blog/2025/02/2025-02-03-emacs-news/
release7.8.03.346.g1915.dirty after the first paragraph is rendered incorrectly as release<sub></sub>.
This can be fixed by
#+OPTION ^:{}
will yield correctly rendered underscore characters.
#+begin_quote [[info:org#Export settings]]
Toggle TeX-like syntax for sub- and superscripts. If you write
"^:{}", ‘a_{b}’ will be interpreted, but the simple ‘a_b’ will be
left as it is (‘org-export-with-sub-superscripts’).
Org-noter’s purpose is to let you create notes that are kept in sync when you scroll through the document, but that are external to it - the notes themselves live in an Org-mode file. As such, this leverages the power of Org-mode (the notes may have outlines, latex fragments, babel, etc…) while acting like notes that are made inside the document. Also, taking notes is very simple: just press i and annotate away!
Elaborate setup for blogging with Emacs, org-mode, Jekyll and Github actions. Too complicated for my taste, but I still might learn something from the description.
website2org.el downloads a website, transforms it into minimalist Orgmode, and presents the results as either a temporary Orgmode buffer or creates an .org file in a specified directory.
Might be useful for conversion of my few HTML pages to Orgmode.
Found on Sacha Chua's blog https://sachachua.com/blog/2024/10/2024-10-14-emacs-news/, where the link text states
"Building a blog from Org Mode files using only Emacs". I am not sure whether this is correct, the emacs lisp file has the description
"org-jekyll.el --- Custom Emacs plugin to operate with my OrgMode+Jekyll blog". Does it need Jekyll?
His web site https://eugene-andrienko.com/en/ has a "Powered by Jekyll" link.
Description of the process creating an org-mode based blog on codeberg. Found on Sacha Chua's blog https://sachachua.com/blog/2024/04/2024-04-08-emacs-news/
I don't see the purpose of macros like replace-regexp-buffer and get-file-size. Why are those not defined as functions?