Contains references to B. Smiths ZERPOL and Adam's stopping criterion. SMITH, B.T. ZERPOL, a zero finding algorithm for polynomials using Laguerre's method. Proc. 1967 Army Numerical Analysis Conference, Madison, Wis., May 1967 (Rep. 67-3, US Army Res. O
surf is a tool to visualize some real algebraic geometry: plane algebraic curves, algebraic surfaces and hyperplane sections of surfaces. surf is script driven and has (optionally) a nifty GUI using the Gtk widget set.
There are even more Matlab like programs than I knew. Ironically, a discussion on comp.lang.lisp cited RMS as (I paraphrase) "one advantage of free software is less re-invention of the wheel". Sadly, this does not appear to have happened.
ASCIIMathML allows to write formula in a (La)TeX-like format and have it rendered decently on modern browsers (some math fonts are needed). The blog is quite interesting as well.